Monday, December 8, 2008

Shannon's Heart

Shannon was my physical therapist and my dad's as well. She just had to add about four more exercises to my already long list. I see the neurologist tomorrow. He will make some decisions about my meds and my falls. I must get started back taking my calcium +D to keep my bones safe. I certainly would not want to break anything. If my body seems frail now, it surely would be if I broke something.

My nurse, Sandra, comes tomorrow and is going to freak when she sees my shiner.

My niece, Caroline is going to spend one day with me and we will probably get in the kitchen and cook us up a treat. I can hardly wait. I made a chocolate pie Saturday night and the whole pie is still here. For those of you who know me and my chocolate, this is a surprise.

Signing off to play games.......LOL................................Aunt Paula

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