Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My Home Health Nurse & Christmas Things

Sandra is the best. She is very knowledgeable in her field. Today, she brought my grandson a toy. He thinks she is grand. Children have greater perception than we adults tend to give them. I can sound off to her without worrying about hurting her feelings. She is unbiased. Her love for children seems to be alot like mine. I have enjoyed snuggling with my "GRAND"son this morning and likewise am enjoying the quiet while he takes his daily nap.

I found a recipe for some old fashioned hot chcolate, made with cocoa and sugar and milk. It is that time of year. As I sat and siiped on a cup, I daydreamed about the year my baby sister and some of her friends and their children came around Christmas Caroling. People don't tend to do that as much these days as we did when I was growing up. That would be such a joy to open my door to families Christmas Caroling. Getting back to the basics. Any of you out there reading my blog, take the hint? Even though I don't get out much, it is mainly because it is just too much trouble.

LOL..................................Aunt Paula


Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Paula,
I love your blog, do not be surprised if you get some carolers after that post.
Love ya
Have a great Christmas season

Ryan said...

Hey Sis,

I want the hot chocolate recipe. Maybe we can get a group together to carol this year.

Love ya,

Anita said...

Hi Paula,

What are you going to do if you get a hundred people caroling at your front door demanding some figgy pudding!!

Your posts are great....You seem to be looking at the sunny side!!

Merry Christmas,

Anita Chamblee